Sunday, May 31, 2009

On fetish parties (or orgies in general)

emily: dude
all that bodily fluid?
oh the STDs
blonde: oh god yes
do you ever think that because we know what we know that maybe we're having less fun than everyone else?
emily: lol

Sunday, May 10, 2009

kick his ask!

On the Topic of Abortions

maureen: we just don't use that word very often.
emily: yeah, well its an ugly word.
maureen: it is an ugly word. maybe the protesters would leave us alone if we called it a shmoo-shmoo.


Friday, May 8, 2009

How many receptionists does it take to sort encounter forms?

Emily: Can you help me sort these encounter forms?
Me (Maureen): D00d, I already sorted a bunch of these today.
Emily: Do you know how many encounter forms I have to go through a day? This many! *flips me off*